Home > Empower
Since 1957, the Tranby team has lived and learned empowerment as a collective process. Our methods have evolved over time, through a collaborative journey of trust and understanding, and by providing cultural strength alongside our students, Elders, and Community.
For us, empowerment means honoring our commitment to Community; listening to, and being guided by needs, aspirations, and methods of change.
A Strength-Based Approach
At Tranby, we focus on the collective solutions rather than on the problems.
Providing our students, staff, and community with a culturally safe and supportive space to yarn about these challenges – sharing their stories, knowledge, and experiences, and acknowledging our shared history – enables community-led change to occur.
We know that members of our community have the appropriate solutions – placed-based, relevant and meaningful to the Indigenous communities where they live, work, and learn. We empower our students through education that engages and inspires them to make a positive impact in their community.

For many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults, leadership can be a daunting word, but it is a responsibility many already perform in their daily lives.
When students come to Tranby to complete our non-accredited leadership programs, we support them in creating and owning their personal leadership journey, increasing their confidence, and inspiring them to participate and lead change for our communities.
Empowerment is an attitude and strength that is cultivated by nurturing and growing students’ skills, knowledge and self-confidence.
Lifelong Learning
Students who choose to study at Tranby are provided with the tools to turn learning challenges into practical actions. Tranby cultivates an environment of trust, healing, and support that ensures every student can define and walk their own path of success.
Both on campus and online, Tranby provides a judgement-free atmosphere and a learning environment that is culturally responsive.
At Tranby, we welcome adult learners, no matter what your age. What matters most is your willingness to keep growing and learning more about yourself, your culture, and your community.

Ripples of Change
The knowledge instilled at Tranby radiates like water ripples – our students being at the centre of everything we do. We connect them through culture, weave them together, and heal by sharing truths and reclaiming voices.
Along their educational journeys, students find new knowledge, friendships, skills, and confidence. Knowledge and truth breed resilience and from them community leaders grow. People leave Tranby with new ways of thinking and share their new knowledge with their families and communities.
The Learning Journey
Our students come from communities around Australia, bringing different levels of cultural knowledge, community experience, and interests.
A supportive learning environment is essential to promoting meaningful student achievement. We connect and empower our students to enhance peer-to-peer relationships. When students feel supported by their peers, they achieve better results. This is because supportive learning communities enable students to see new perspectives, face tough topics, and have challenging conversations, inspiring them both individually and collectively.

Individual Support
The Tranby team recognises the challenges of adult learners and that each student faces a different set of obstacles. To alleviate stress and build student confidence, we provide holistic support to ensure they can continue their studies and succeed. Our support includes encouragement by Elders, academic, trainer and IT support, and career pathway mapping through our Burawa program.
We strive to meet our students’ individual needs by providing the appropriate tools, connections and supports to empower them for their learning journey.
Student Success
We know that success looks different to everyone. Tranby’s individual-focused support system ensures that everyone is given the tools to succeed, from their own perspective. Education, after all, is about the journey not just the qualification or piece of paper.

Community Focus
For over 65 years Tranby has been dedicated to community empowerment. By designing our accredited and non-accredited courses to be responsive to Community needs, we invest in creating community leaders, who then have the capacity to build stronger communities all around Australia.
The experiences, histories, and hopes of our Mob are at the core of Tranby. Students have the opportunity to learn about, from and with other Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples and organisations.