Our place for keeping, making and sharing Stories

Tranby: our place for keeping, making and sharing our Aboriginal stories will provide opportunity for NSW Aboriginal people to control and manage how our stories are told, represented and made available to the broader Australian community.

In our 65 th year of operation, Tranby is creating, at our Glebe premises, a culturally significant place for keeping, making and sharing our Aboriginal stories.

The new works will incorporate:

  • The Tranby Library and Reading Room hosting archival and contemporary books and educational resources produced by, for and about First Nations Australia
  • BLACKBOOKS® display and retail outlet complementing the www.BLACKBOOKS.online platform
  • Tranby Oral History Centre with production facilities for the recording and storage of Aboriginal oral histories, podcasts and audiobooks
  • Operational facilities for BLACKBOOKS publishing and literary sector development services including storage and distribution of local community and self-published works
  • The Writers Room for First Nations Australia Writers to come to work on a dedicated project
  • The Our Words Our Way videoconferencing community story sharing studio.

This project is made possible through the CREATE NSW Infrastructure Grants which Tranby proudly received. In July 2022, the honourable Ben Franklin, NSW Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, joined the Tranby team on campus to announce the $1.7 million CREATE NSW Infrastructure grant. This project will fit-out existing facilities and upgrade the technology to enable a state-of-the-art repository and production facility for the keeping, making and sharing of our stories and oral histories. Stories and the traditions and practices associated with their keeping, making and sharing are foundational to our Culture and identity.

Tranby Aboriginal Co-operative Limited has worked to meet the social, cultural and educational needs and aspirations of Aboriginal communities across NSW and nationally since 1957 (this year we celebrate 65 years). Australia, as a nation, is moving along the journey of Reconciliation and Truth Telling – it is important that there is a means and a mechanism for our very local and regional NSW stories to be told, shared, and held. Our project is future facing and timely addressing need, gap and opportunity.

Our program will prioritise Aboriginal employment, work experience and skills development through informal and formal training programs. There will be scope for Aboriginal people to

actively participate as content providers, content producers, presenters, performers, technicians, audiences and readers.

Tranby: our place for keeping, making and sharing our Aboriginal stories will welcome and host non-Aboriginal people to listen and engage with the authentic voices and stories from Aboriginal people and communities across NSW with an opportunity to meet in person and share and celebrate our Aboriginal culture and stories.

“The Story is the Land, and the Land is the Story. The Story holds the people, and the people live inside the Story. The Story lives inside the people, and the Land lives inside the people also. It goes all ways to hold the Land.”

© 2024 Tranby Aboriginal Co-Operative Limited | Website By Hive Design

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