Diploma of Community Development


Want to learn more about your Mob and culture?

Tranby’s 10578NAT Diploma of Applied Aboriginal Studies program is now running online!

At Tranby, we teach differently. Our courses are designed by Mob, for Mob and are delivered online by Aboriginal educators who know community and are passionate about connecting students to culture.

Studying with Tranby means your learning is driven by you and your classmates’ stories, experiences and conversations. This unique opportunity will enable you to study with other Indigenous students from around Australia and be inspired along your online learning journeys together.

What is this course?

This program is designed for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who seek to work in the space of cultural awareness. It aims to enhance and compliment skills and knowledge in order for graduates to work more effectively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait people, their organisations and communities.

Who is this course suited to?

The 10578NAT Diploma of Applied Aboriginal Studies meets the needs of people working in sectors that interact with, work for and/or plan policy in relation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples including, but not limited to field workers, liaison officers, consultants, advocates, negotiators and educators.

As a nationally recognised diploma, the course can also be used as a platform for undertaking further study.

Completing this course can open up employment opportunities in:

  • Aboriginal community organisations
  • Training others in cultural competence
  • Aboriginal cultural and tourism events

On Campus Course

Course structure

Block Theme

Historical perspectives and identity

Invasion – Colonial policies and survival

Connection to country

Self-determination and the legal system

Cultural identity

Units of Competency

AASCID502 Analyse concepts of identity
AASIFH505 Investigate family histories

AASIIG501 Analyse the impact of invasion and genocide
AASPAP503 Analyse protection and assimilation policies and practices
AASFWN509 Evaluate the concept of Australia’s ‘Fourth World Nation’

AASKBL504 Interpret kinship and belonging to the land


AASLEG507 Review the influence of legal systems on Aboriginal self-determination
AASSDJ508 Support Aboriginal self-determination and social justice

AASMID506 Contribute to maintenance of Aboriginal cultural identity

© 2024 Tranby Aboriginal Co-Operative Limited | Website By Hive Design

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